Ungt par vandrer i Haderslev gamle bydel

StoryHunt: On a sound walk in Sønderjylland

Photo: VisitHaderslev

Get your smartphone out and go on interactive sound walks in and around Sønderjylland. The walks are free and you yourself decide on the time and pace.

What is a StoryHunt?

A StoryHunt can best be described as a sort of interactive podcast or sound walk where amazing stories unfold while you walk from location to location. The location-specific stories can be about anything from historic events or personalities, architecture and art to gastronomic gems. The thing they all have in common is that they have been created by local travel guides or expert storytellers. The walks are available 24/7, which means you can listen to the stories whenever you want.

Story Hunt: På vej til slagtebænken - billede af mobiltelefon
Photo: Destination Sønderjylland
Story Hunt: På vej til slagtebænken - billede af to kvinder med mobiltelefoner
Photo: Destination Sønderjylland

How does a StoryHunt work?

A StoryHunt or sound walk only requires two things - a smartphone (with an Internet connection) and a set of earphones. If you do not have any earphones, the walk can easily take place without them, but we recommend that you use earphones. The walks work in such a way that the stories are only unlocked once you are standing in front of an attraction on the planned route. Follow the instructions in the app “StoryHunt”, listen to the stories and follow the map while you walk from location to location. The app will guide you.


What to do:

  • Download the free app “StoryHunt” in Google Play or the App Store.
  • Open the app and search for the name of the walk you want. If you are unsure of the name
    of the walk, you can choose the destination instead, for instance Sønderborg, to see which
    walks are offered there.
  • Go to the first stop on the walk, for instance “Det Gamle Rådhus” in Aabenraa.
  • Tap “Start tur” on the app and then you will be ready to go!
  • While you walk from location to location, you can participate in quizzes and look at

Read more about and find the walks on StoryHunt’s own website or stay updated about our current sound walks below. 


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