Luftfoto af Gammelbro Camping

Gammelbro Camping

Photo: Gammelbro Camping

At Gammelbro Camping, which lies east of Haderslev, scenic countryside and fun activities make up a great combination for the whole family.

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Camper or tent
Caravans at Gammelbro Camping
Strandaktiviteter ved Gammelbro Camping
Beach apartments
Bathing beach at Gammelbro Camping
Minigolf på Gammelbro Camping

Family holiday near the Little Belt

At Gammelbro, adults and children alike can enjoy all the trappings of an eventful holiday. The location of the campsite on the banks of the Little Belt guarantees attractive surroundings. On hot summer days our lovely beach can provide the setting for a full day of fun and games, gentle relaxation or even just a quick dip in the water. The coastline that runs both north and south of the site is ideal for hiking, whilst the idyllic island of Årø makes a perfect destination for a day trip. The hiking route of Camino Haderslev Næs runs right past the campsite and if you follow the route on Årø, you can drop in at the local vineyard and the delightful little ‘Christmas Church’.

Enjoying camping in the sunshine at Gammelbro Camping
Photo: Jakob Knudsen
Badeland på Gammelbro Camping
Photo: Gammelbro Camping

Lidt historie…

Gammelbro blev grundlagt i 1958 og har været i familieeje lige siden. I dag er det 3. generation af familien Knudsen, som står ved roret. I årenes løb er pladsen vokset både i størrelse og faciliteter, men har hele vejen igennem bevaret sin identitet som et roligt og imødekommende sted med en god atmosfære.

I 2021 fik vi for anden gang æren af titlen som Danmarks bedste campingplads baseret på stemmer fra vores glade campinggæster.

A brief history…

Gammelbro was founded in 1958 and has been run by the family ever since. Today the third generation of the Knudsen family is at the helm. Over the years, the campsite has grown in size and in terms of facilities, yet has managed to retain its identity as a peaceful and friendly site with a great atmosphere.

In 2019 and 2021 we had the honour of being awarded the title of Denmark’s best campsite, based on votes from our satisfied guests.


Things to do at Gammelbro

Amongst our most popular facilities are:

  • Aquapark with water slides and paddling pool
  • A creative workshop with a wealth of ideas and materials that can ignite the imagination of both children and adults
  • Adventure crazy golf
  • 3 playgrounds + indoor play area


In addition, we have a well-assorted grocery store which sells freshly baked rolls every morning, as well as just about everything else a family on holiday might conceivably need. In our cafeteria you can satisfy your hunger and enjoy a large, traditional ice-cream cornet.


We look forward to welcoming you to Gammelbro Camping – a true haven!

Derudover har vi en stor og velassorteret købmandsforretning, hvor du kan købe friskbagte rundstykker, en god gammeldags isvaffel og stort set alt, hvad en familie på ferie ellers har brug for. I vores cafeteria kan du nyde et godt måltid mad i hyggelige omgivelser.

Vi glæder os til at byde dig velkommen på Gammelbro Camping – dit frirum!

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