The Frøslev Camp and the white busses
The last stop before the concentration camps
Hærvejen is Denmark’s oldest highway, which since ancient times has carried soldiers and people from Danevirke in the south to Viborg in the north and vice versa. The route was also used by cattle-drivers, and it is therefore also known as “the Ancient Road”
The modern route more or less follows the original route along the backbone of Jutland and marks the boundary between east-flowing and west-flowing watercourses. In Southern Jutland the route runs from the border at Padborg to Vojens. You can follow marked trails by bike or on foot. You’ll pass the characteristic boulder constructions of the bridges of Gejlå Bro, Povls Bro and Immervad Bro.
Hærvejens placering har rod tilbage i istidens udformning af landskabet. Isranden stod i lang tid langs hovedopholdslinien; der var isens maksimale udbredelse under sidste istid.
Isen havde skubbet store mængder ler, grus og sten op foran gletcherkanten. Smeltevandet løb vest på ud over det isfrie område. Da isen havde trukket sig tilbage, kunne bække og åløb også få afløb mod øst.
Området mellem de øst- og de vestvendte vandløb kaldes vandskellet. Her var det nemmest at komme tørskoet gennem Jylland, og derfor var det langs vandskellet, Hærvejen opstod.
If you’re planning a hike on Hærvejen, you should consider taking a look at all the attractions you can experience on the route. Perhaps you should take an extra night on the route itself or extend your holiday after you’ve completed the hike.
We hope that you’ll be inspired by our favourites below to experience some of the attractions on Hærvejen in Sønderjylland.