Pige i regnjakke spiser frisk østers i Vadehavet

Abundance of oysters

Photo: Nationalpark Vadehavet

Another natural attraction in the Wadden Sea is the many oysters that you can find when walking out on the dry seabed at low tide.


Although the original Wadden Sea oyster is extinct, the Wadden Sea has a large number of Pacific oysters. In fact, this species of oyster has become so widespread that it is eclipsing the population of blue mussels.

You can eat oysters from the Wadden Sea at most times of the year – provided you can open the often recalcitrant shellfish. But at certain times of the year – not least when the weather is hot and winds are light – toxins from algae can get into the oysters.


Hænder holder åben østers
Photo: Destination Sønderjylland
Tilberedning af østers på grill ved Naturcenter Tønnisgaard
Photo: Naturcenter Tønnisgaard

For this reason, it is recommended never to eat oysters without first checking the current status for possible algae in the area at the Wadden Sea Centre.

Finally, you should also be aware of tidewater timetables prior to setting out into the Wadden Sea on foot if you don’t want to risk being caught out by the tide. By taking these simple precautions, however, the Wadden Sea has a wealth of fantastic experiences to offer visitors. 

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Great tastes of the Wadden Sea
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