On Løjtland, you'll find the hill Blåhøj with a fantastic view of the peninsula.
Blåhøj is located 81 meters above sea level, making it one of the highest points on the Løjtland peninsula. The hill is situated between Løjt Skovby and Barsmark. If you park at the end of the elevation, a small path leads you all the way to the top. From here, there's a fabulous view of the surrounding landscape – from Aabenraa Fjord to Varnæs Hoved, Als, Barsø, Lillebælt, and Assens on Funen. Similar to Galgebakken in Aabenraa, Blåhøj was the parish's gallows hill.
Legend has it that a priest was beheaded on Blåhøj, and his ghost is said to "wander."
When you visit Blåhøj, you can park right below. A small information board provides details about the hill and retells the legend of the priest.