Danish Act on Dogs
Large dogs are welcome! However, some breeds are on the prohibition list and regulated by the Danish Act on Dogs.
The Dog Act in Denmark
Since July 1st 2010, 13 different dog breeds and mixed dogs, where these breeds are included, are on the prohibition list. They can only enter Denmark if they apply by certain rules.
The prohibition list includes the following 13 dog breeds and mixed dogs, where these breeds are included:
Pitt Bull Terrier
Tosa Inu
American Staffordshire Terrier
Fila Brasileiro
Dogo Argentino
American Bulldog
Central Asian Shepherd Dog (ovcharka)
Caucasian Shepherd Dog (ovcharka)
South Russian Shepherd Dog (ovcharka)
If you have owned your dog before 17th of March 2010 you are allowed to bring your dog with you on holiday in Denmark. There are however special rules for bringing the dog with you in public.
It must always be kept on a leash within 2 m length and must be equipped with a muzzle. The dog is allowed to run freely in the off-leash dog forests, but must still be wearing the muzzle at all times.
NB. However, the above special rules do not apply to the breeds Pitbull Terrier and Tosa Inu, which may not be brought into Denmark under any circumstances.

Can your dog be mistaken for a breed on the prohibited list?
Most likely it will be the police judging if a dog is of a breed on the prohibited list and if your dog can be mistaken for one of those breeds it is a good idea to bring documentation of your dogs origin - this refers amongst others to these breeds:
Polish Tatra Sheepdog (owczarek podhalanski)
Cao Fila De Sao Miguel
Dogue de bordeaux
Mastino Napoletano
Cane Corsa Italiano
Staffordshire Bullterrier
Dogo Canario
Anatolian Shephard
Ibirian Dog
If a dog, regardless of breed, bites a human or another dog, the incident must be dealt with in a court case, where it is decided whether it is savage. The police have a duty to take the dog into custody and for that purpose they have an agreement with kennels. To savage means to injure or mistreat violently by biting.
The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration has the following definition when it is savaging:
- Several deep, punctual wounds that reach deep into the subcutaneous tissue or penetrate into musculature; it must clearly appear that there are several bites and that it took place with some violence, or
- dislocation (deep laceration) in the subcutaneous tissue/musculature (i.e. not only in the skin), or
- bite lesions resulting in loss of tissue (apart from minor damage to dog ears), or
- bite injuries that lead to death, including situations where a dog shakes another dog to death, without the bite itself having given rise to injuries of a nature as described in the previous three points.
Runaway dogs
If you loose your dog during your holiday, please contact the police (phone no. 114) with a description. Your dog is already ear marked or wearing a chip, so the police will be able to locate you. A dog tag will make it easier for the police or someone else to contact you directly.
Dogs, where the owner is not identified, will be advertised in local papers and on the website of the police as "fremlyste dyr". After 3 days the police are entitled to locate a new home for the dog or put it down. The same applies if the owner has not collected the dog within 3 days after they have received notice that the dog has been found.
Dear dog owner
When you are attentive to your dog while travelling in unfamiliar surroundings, your stay should be problem free.
At the tourist office you can get brochures with detailed maps over many of the forests in the area. Here your dog has to be on a leash, but the many paths and beautiful surroundings offer you the chance to walk long distances with your dog.