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Gammel Pøl
Pøls Rev is one of Als's most famous fishing spots and many large sea trout are caught here.
Gammel Pøl is situated on South Als.
You can fish out on the reef on both sides, and it's also a good idea to fish northwards up to the lighthouse at Lysabildskov. There are plenty of large stones along the entire stretch and there are plenty of opportunities for good fish.
Drive to Skovby. In Skovby, turn north to Nedervej, turn down Nedervej to Nederlysabild. Turn down Lysabildgade and continue straight on to Gammelpøl, follow Gammelpøl down to the beach, where there is plenty of parking.
Left of the P-area, a sand bar stretches far out into the sea. To the right, the bottom is flat with sand, seaweed and large stones.