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Memorial Day at Dybbøl Banke on 18 April

The annual memorial day for the storming of Dybbøl Banke in 1864

The 18 April, 1864
After heavy bombardment of the position on Dybbøl Banke, the Prussians stormed the redoubts and after a few hours of fierce fighting, the Danes had to retreat across the strait to the town of Sønderborg - Dybbøl Banke was lost.

International Day of Remembrance
Until 2001, the 18 of April was honored by wreath-laying, speeches and gatherings for Danes. But since 2001, 18 April has been called an international day of remembrance, as this was the first year in which representatives from our neighboring country, Germany, also participated.

Programme 2023
08.00 Flag raising at Dybbøl Mill
10.00 Wreaths and bouquets are laid at the common graves at Dybbøl Banke with the participation of honor commands and guests of honor from Germany and Denmark. Afterwards, a short memorial service by field chaplain from the Home Guard, Ulla Skou, attended by students from the sports academy, Idrætshøjskolen Sønderborg, and two of the city's high schools.

12.30-14.30 Then and Now Event in Frihedshallen at Idrætshøjskolen Sønderborg, Friheds Allé 42, 6400 Sønderborg.
Via letters and historical facts about soldier life in 1864 and interviews of soldiers from Slesvigske Fodregiment, the conditions from the then and present war zones are linked. There are also film clips about the war in 1864 and the modern wars of our time.

There will be a conversation salon led by employees of Idrætshøjskolen Sønderborg, with Tom Buk-Swienty, the author of "Slagtebænk Dybbøl" and "Dommedag Als", as well as Slesvigske Musikkorps about life as a soldier.

The afternoon is accompanied by music with the Slesvigske Musikkorps and there will also be common singing and later in the afternoon from approx. 14.30-15.30 the day ends with a coffee table (DKK 60 per person).

If you want to participate in the event in Frihedshallen, registration is open from 1 March to 1 April on the Idrætshøjskolens website: www.ihs.dk

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