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Rinkenæs Gl. Kirke

In 2025, one of the country's oldest churches will be visible from the inside on selected Tuesdays throughout the summer.

One of the oldest churches in Denmark, built in 1158 in the Romanesque/Norman style. The church is found at the top of a hill, 4 kilometres outside Rinkenæs. Originally it was surroundd by a village, however this disappeared around year 1300.
In several places a close examination of the bricks will reveal marks which are traces of the many wars in the region: in addition, the church yard contains several historical relics, in particular of the Schleswig battles of the 19th century.

The church is normally closed to the public, but as a new initiative in the summer of 2025, it will be open during the summer months on selected Tuesdays from 1-4 pm, where there will also be a person present to answer questions.

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