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Stone Age Barrow Sculpture at Kettingskov

This sculpture in natural size is built in 2020 by the local village society Kettingskov Landsbylaug.

The sculpture is erected at the corner of the roads Østkystvejen/Nørre Kettingskov. The table/bench set invites to a rest and on the information sign, you can read about Scandinavian´s largest collection of barrows and visit them in the nearby wood Blomeskobbel.

The sculpture is situated at the cycling route 8 also known as the Baltic Sea Cycle Route and the table/bench set invites to a rest on the biking tour. Here you will also find an information board on the many sites of ancient history found at the island of Als and especially at the scenic area of Kettingskov.

As a part of the project, the local guild Kettingskov Landsbylaug has not only erected this model of a barrow from Blomeskobbel, with a cover stone weighing approx. 6 tons. Under expert guidance from Haderslev Museum and Sønderborg Municipality, they also cleared a fabled long barrow at the wood edge of Blomeskobbel, the forest where you can see the largest collection of barrow in Scandinavia.

The aim of the residents at Kettingskov Landsbylaug is not only to create a nice place for a break, but also to make the visitors aware of the beautiful and historical area they are at as well as making the history and the fabled long barrow more accessible to the public.

At the Day of Architecture 2020, the guild Kettingskov Landsbylaug where the first to receive the award for local initiative Godt Lokalt Initiativ.

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