Spring in Sønderjylland

A visit to Sønderjylland in spring means plenty of things to do for young and old alike, either indoors or outdoors. Sønderjylland is also particularly beautiful as the flowers begin to bloom, whilst trees and shrubs acquire a springtime coat of green.

Spring is packed with public holidays during the period from Easter to Whitsun, and for many people this period means plenty of days off to take advantage of the wealth of different attractions we have to offer in Sønderjylland. As the days get longer and lighter, we feel the urge to get out into the countryside, whether this be on foot or by bike, alone or with family and friends.

We’ve chosen to divide the content into four themes: daytrips, minibreaks, cycling holidays and walking holidays. Under each theme, you can find suggestions of places to stay overnight, activities and full package tours that can be booked at booksonderjylland.dk. Furthermore, you’ll also find plenty of inspiration for other attractions and experiences – there’s always plenty to choose from.

Outdoor activities

Although spring often brings rainy days, there are also many days when the sun shines, the temperatures rise and you just want to spend time outdoors. On such days, Sønderjylland offers a wide range of fun activities for both children and adults.

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